Our Purpose
To help you, the consumer find the best bargains from the leading retailers in the Kingdom, You save time and money every time you shop through us.
Compare Bahrain is a source that simplifies your price comparison search for the top electronics products in the Kingdom, We do the hard work for you by mining the data from the stores around Bahrain for the most popular electronics items to give you the best deal possible.
If you are unable to find the product or service you are looking for, simply get in touch with us and will do our best to make it available.
If you do not see the retailer you want in the product price comparison list, then it is because of one of the points below.
- Is not part of our program.
- Does not carry the product / service you are comparing.
Our System checks the prices for you immediately. If a price change is detected, our system will update the information automatically, To avoid any external loads on our system there is a 48 hour buffer between price grabs.
This unique feature will display the product or service price history for up to the past 9 months showing the lowest price and highest lowest price the product or service was sold at from the retailers listed for that particular product or service.
This will guarantee a clear image of the items trend and will enable you as a consumer to also receive a notification when the items price drops to a specific price target you mention by adding your email address.
This service will enable you to get the items you want at the best price possible without any hassles.
*This service does not provide specific pricing history for the retailers listed for the item, this service provides only the lowest and highest lowest price the item was sold at without providing whom the retailer was.